Family Pics Feb 2011

Family Pics Feb 2011


This picture pretty much says it all! Our house is crazy!







The Boys

The Boys

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I can't believe summer is coming to a close! We have spent a ton of time at Seven peaks so I thought I would post some of our cute pictures.  Jayden has learned to swim pretty well and thinks he is a scuba diver. Justice has no fear of the water what so ever. He is a fish like his mom. He holds his breath and kicks. Its so cute! They love the kiddie pool, and so do I, I can just chill!  


scoot and sara said...

Look at those muscles! Your boys are adorable!

Crystal said...

Hey Marci! I found your blog thru Kristin's! I didn't know you guys were in the bloggin' world! Yea! Feel free to check out ours! I am going to add you to my links!

Ham, Dan and Kaylie said...

I love your blog sis! Cute boys. They need a little sister stat!

Cambria, Ryan, Taeg, Tripp and Brigg said...

HOw fun. I wish we were closer to somewhere like Seven Peaks. I took my boys there once this summer and they loved it. Your boys are so cute! I love that they're fishes. You and me were both pool rats, weren't we? As little kids and then again as teenagers! cute pics!!!

Brooke said...

Hey Hey Marc...I am so glad I found your blog!!!!
how on earth are you guys???
I hope you are doing good. Keep in touch! I'm adding you as a link...
hope that is ok

Ipuna Black said...

I am glad I found your blog! Now I can see what you are ALWAYS doing:).