Family Pics Feb 2011

Family Pics Feb 2011


This picture pretty much says it all! Our house is crazy!







The Boys

The Boys

Monday, June 23, 2008

New at this

Ok, so we are new at this, but since everyone is doing it we thought that we would succumb to the peer pressure.  (I am just glad that not everyone is using drugs, getting tatted up, or sacrificing cats).  Not a lot of news on our end.  Jayden is riding his bike without training wheels, Justice is doing a great job of taking a deuce in the toilet, Marci is still doing jewelry and being an awesome mom, and I am still working for JJS, and also a drug rehab for adults.  We go to Seven Peaks quite a bit and seen our share of large out of shape old women wearing bikini's.  Some sag so low you would think that they are playing hackey sac with their womanhoods.  There should be a law to buy bikini's and spandex, or at least someone should smack them upside their heads and make them stand in front of a mirror first.  Maybe they could make a law that they have to see Simon Cowell from American Idol first and let him pass judgement on whether they can go out in public with there suits.  Anyway, we are going to Blanding for the 4th, and we hope to see every one there.  Sorry for the retarded post, but if you got through it all then obviously you had nothing better to do.

1 comment:

Ham, Dan and Kaylie said...

I'm so happy you guys have a blog now! They are so much fun. You need to up date and put new pics of your crazy boys!!