It has been an exciting couple of weeks for us. Jayden lost his first two teeth! He is so cute without them! He was so excited to experience the whole toothfairy thing. He worked and worked on wiggling those teeth loose. He pulled them out all by himself.
Justice learned to ride his bike without any training wheels. K, the kid is 3 years old!!! He just cruises like he has been riding his "2 wheeler" forever without the training wheels. The kid has no fear. In fact, he tried to jump the curb like the older kids and totally ate it. Needless to say, he has some road rash on his forhead and nose! At least its not stitches:) He avoided cracking the head open.
Last but not least, I am 35 weeks along now!!!! Holy moly, It has been a long pregnancy. I am so ready to be done. I waddle, can't sleep, have heartburn, my legs and feet ache, look like a whale.......bla bla bla. Only those that have been pregnant can appreciate the last month and how hard it is. But it is all worth it in the end:)
We got Boston's room painted and the crib up with the bedding. I also refinished a dresser last weekend and got it ready to go. All we need is a baby now:)