Such a fun tag!!
1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? Just at home in Spanish Fork.
2- Who was with you? I was just alone. Tay was at work.
3- How did you find out that you were pregnant? Ya know, I just felt like crap. I was SO SO tired I knew I had to be pregnant!! So I took a test and it said negative, so I took another one, and another one, until finally It showed up a couple weeks later. I think I knew I was pregnant the second it happened.
4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? I was super excited. But at the same time I went, "crap, what am I going to do with 3"
5- Who was the first person you told? I called Taylor and told him he was a stud.
6-Did you plan to get pregnant? yep, and it happened the week I got my IUD out. (Sorry that was probley too much information.) We don't have any problems getting pregnant. I'll put it that way.
7- Did you tell everyone else right away? No, but we didn't wait very long either. They were all speculating anyways, so we just told them at 6 weeks. I couldn't hide it anymore. I just felt too crapy.
8-Was everybody happy for you? Oh ya!!
9- Did you go out and celebrate? I don't think so. We were putting our yard in, so if you call that a party then yes.
10- Did you want to find out the sex? Yes!!! I couldn't handle NOT knowing.
11- What was the sex? BOY! At least thats what the Dr. told me so I believe him. I was in denial for a while but it has sunk in.
12-Did anyone throw you a baby shower?no
13- If yes, who?
14- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby?
15- How much weight did you gain? ALOT. I"m not going there. Its a sore subject. Ya just kind of want to quit counting once you gain so much. (mabe after the baby I will disclose how much baby weight I loose.:)
16- Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? I am bound and determined to loose every pound and then some!!!!!!!!
17- Did you get a lot of stretch marks? No, I guess I can quit crying about my weight gain, at least I don't get stretch marks!
18- What did you crave the most? Oh, my land. I want to each captain crunch cereal everyday. But I have had a total sweet tooth this time. BAD I know!
19- Did you crave anything crazy? Not really
20- Who or what got on your nerves the most? I hate the fact that I can barely move and I still have 10 weeks left. This little guy is SO low. I haven't been able to excercise hardly at all because of a few complications and I feel like I have no control over my body (or anything for that matter) and it ticks me off SO BAD!!!!!! I cant sleep either:(
21- Were you married at the time?YES
22- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? I bled for the first 2 1/2 months, not fun. Then I pulled a muscle in my stomach trying to run. If I move a lot in one day, or move wrong it still hurts.
I guess I will answer part two in a few weeks.
23- Where were you when you went into labor
24- Did your water break?
25- Who drove you to the hospital?
26- Did you go early or late?
27- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth?
s28- How long were you in labor for?
29- Did you have any drugs for the pain?
30-Did you go Natural or have a c-section?
31- What was your first reaction after giving birth?
32- How big was the baby(s)?
33- Did your Husband cry?
34- What did you name the baby(s)?
35- Does his name have any significant meaning?
36- Did you have any visitors?
37- Did the baby(s) have any complications?
38- How old is your baby today? .
39- When is the next one(s) coming?
40-If you could, would you do it all over again?
41- tag 5: